
Welcome to Sheguiandah First Nation

Our Story

Earth, Water, Air​ & Fire

Sheguiandah First Nation is an Anishinaabe First Nation on Manitoulin Island. Its land base is located on the Sheguiandah 24 reserve.

Monthly Newsletter

Events & Notices


what can we do for you?

Early Years Program

Early Years - Binojiinh Kinomaage-gamik(K-6) is funded by the Province of Ontario (Ministry of Education & Child Ontario Services) and the Anishnabek Nation under the IELCC program.


This program monitors attendance, monitors student progress, collaborate with education institutions and parents, attend to emergencies and issues that may arise.

Operations & Maintenance

Operations & Maintenance is a vital part of Sheguiandah First Nation. This department is deemed an essential service.

Ontario Works Program

Ontario Works provides financial assistance to people in need. Ontario Works also provides assistance with participating in activities that will help you find and maintain employment and build capacity.

Housing Department

The Sheguiandah First Nation (SFN) Housing Department continues to be one of the more active branches of the SFN Administration.

Health Centre

The Sheguiandah First Nation Health Center is both a medical clinic and an administration office for health and wellness.