Housing Department

The Sheguiandah First Nation (SFN) Housing Department continues to be one of the more active branches of the SFN Administration.   Regular activities include continuous calls from SFN Tenants, questions or concerns from SFN Housing Committee members and regular correspondence with funding agencies.  Currently, the SFN Housing Program is manager by Don McGregor (SFN Housing Manager)


Some of the current activities being addressed by the SN Housing Department include;

  • Finalizing Indigenous Services Canada – Annual Infrastructure and Housing Report
  • Finalizing the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMJC) reports for previous construction projects
  • Training on new CMHC RRAP guidelines
  • Submissions to CMHC – RRAP for 3 units owned by the SFN
  • Finalizing reports/claims for CMHC Emergency-RRAP
  • Finalizing initial draft of the SFN Housing Policy. The last time this policy was reviewed for change was in 2009-2010.  The current review was initiated in July 2023



Prior to the end of the previous SFN Chief and Councils term of office there was direction to dissolve the Committee and wait for instruction from the ensuing SFN Leadership to post for new Housing Committee Members.  So be on the lookout in the days and weeks ahead for this posting.  Please keep in mind that we will be looking for the following individuals (x5):

  • Must be a registered band member of the Sheguiandah First Nation
  • Must be at least 18 years of age
  • Must not have any rental arrears with the SFN Housing Department
  • Provide a letter stating your intent to join this Committee and the experience you can bring to the SFN Housing Committee

All submissions will be reviewed and decided on by the SFN Chief and Council


Some of the goals you will see us working towards will include capacity development in three areas;

  1. Governance
    1. Chief and Council – housing strategic development and planning
    2. SFN Community Plan
    3. SFN Housing Committee – Training…and more training
  2. Management
    1. Policy Development – SFN Housing Policy last reviewed in 2009
    2. Arrears Management
    3. Management Training
    4. Communications Strategy – www presence, social media
  3. Maintenance
    1. Tenant Responsibility and Training
    2. Mould Remediation Strategy


Monthly Message

Please pay your monthly rent, the rent collected assists in meeting the repair or maintenance costs for the SFN Rental units.  Without this source of income it becomes very challenging to identify where to access the money required for repairs.